2013秋 七飯訪問団がコンコードへ

On Tuesday, December 18th at the Nanae Culture Center, we held our final debriefing session for the 2013 autumn delegation trip to Concord.  Family, friends, school principals and teachers all came to listen to this year’s delegation members talk about their experience in Concord.

Nanae High School students present on their experience during this year's delegation (PHOTO BY EMI KIMURA)
Nanae High School students present on their experience during this year’s delegation
Nanae Middle School students answer questions and remark on their experience in Concord (PHOTO BY EMI KIMURA)
Nanae Middle School students answer questions and remark on their experience in Concord (PHOTO BY EMI KIMURA)

This year’s delegation trip (including travel time) spanned from October 1st – 11th.  The group was composed of 3 high school students, 5 middle school students and 6 adults.  We spent our first 6 days in Concord, where each member stayed with a host family.  After a day of sightseeing in Boston, and a night in a hotel, we boarded our return flight from Boston to Tokyo.

Group photo on our day of departure from Hakodate International Airport, featuring Nanae Superintendent Mr. Yoshida.   The sign reads: "Nanae - Concord Sisiter City Exchange Delegation".
Group photo on our day of departure from Hakodate International Airport, featuring Nanae Superintendent Mr. Yoshida. The sign reads: “Nanae – Concord Sisiter City Exchange Delegation” (PHOTO BY KOJI TERAYA)

Below I’d like to share a recap, as well as some of my own thoughts on this year’s delegation:

When the day came to depart on this year’s delegation trip to Concord, I was feeling a little nervous.  Unlike past delegations, our group had very few members who spoke English or had ever traveled to America, so I had been told I would be relied on as both a guide and translator.  However, passing through security at Hakodate airport, I began to notice something that put me at ease; our group already seemed to be moving smoothly, and functioning as a single unit.  Counter to my fears, the students were not straggling or drifting away from the adults, but rather, everyone seemed of a single mind and purpose, as if a natural buddy-system had enacted itself.

“2013秋 七飯訪問団がコンコードへ” の続きを読む

2012(平成24)年 – 2012年秋の訪問団がコンコードに到着しました!

After a trying evening of delays, missed flights, and an overnight in Chicago, Nanae’s 2012 Fall delegation made it safely to Concord yesterday! Tonight we will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of our sister city relationship. Watch our Flickr Photostream for photographs from the celebration and the dinner, and, Wi-Fi permitting, TUNE IN at 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time for a live video covering the Mayor’s presentation at the Concord Town House!

-Former CIR Ben Mirin

The Live Video:

コンコードカーライル高校Sci-Fiクラブ 訪問団の優れた功績 – A Great Success

Hello everyone,

This year’s visit to Nanae by the CCHS Sci-Fi Club was tremendously successful, and here’s some visual proof!

Check out Dr. David Nurenberg’s blog documenting the Sci-Fi trip around Japan: http://cchsjapantrip2012.wordpress.com/

You can also view a compilation of Dr. Nurenberg’s and my photos in the photo gallery, an alternate set of photos exclusively on our Facebook Page (facebook.com/concordnanae), and in a new Flickr Collection (flickr.com/photos/56651982@N08).

We are still working on uploading a series of interviews with student members of the recent Sci-Fi delegation to Nanae. They will be available on the new Sister Schools page (password protected), and a select few will also be published here on the home page.

Stay tuned!
-The CIR